


admin admin 发表于2024-07-12 22:53:54 浏览9 评论0





绿色风扇。fan 英 n.扇子,风扇,迷,粉丝,扇形物,扬谷机vt.扇动 吹拂,扬去vi.成扇形变形复数: fans 过去式: fanned 过去分词: fanned 现在分词:fanning 第三人称单数: fans1.As a boy he was a Manchester United fan.小时候,他是曼联队的球迷。2.If you’re a Billy Crystal fan, you’lllove this movie.如果你是比利·克里斯托的影迷,你会喜爱这部影片。3.He has charmed most of them into membership of his fan club.他施展魅力,让他们大部分人都加入了他的支持者行列。


fann.扇子, 鼓风机, 风扇, 迷, 狂热者, 爱好者vt.煽动, 刺激, 扇, 吹拂vi.飘动, 成扇形散开fan 1n.扇子,风扇electric fan电风扇fanvt., vi.-nn-煽,煽动;激起(常与out连用)扇形散开The soldiers fanned out across the hillside.士兵们成扇形散开在山坡上。fan 2n.热心的追随者a film fan影迷fanAHD:D.J.:K.K.: n.A device for creating a current of air or a breeze, especially: 能产生风之物一种能产生空气或微风的流动的装置A machine using an electric motor to rotate thin, rigid vanes in order to move air, as for cooling. 电风扇一种用电力带动薄且坚固的扇轮的机器,用于使空气流动如散热A collapsible, usually wedge-shaped device made of a light material such as silk, paper, or plastic. 扇子一种可折叠的通常为扇形的装置,由轻原料如丝、纸或塑料构成A machine for winnowing.扬谷机Something resembling an open fan in shape: 扇形物形状像敞开的扇子的东西:a peacock’s fan.孔雀扇fan v. fanned; fan.ning; fans;fan v.tr.To move or cause a current of (air) with or as if with a fan. 扇用扇子或像扇子扇动空气To direct a current of air or a breeze upon, especially in order to cool: 扇动向…传导空气或微风的流动,尤指为了冷却:fan one’s face.向某人的脸扇风To stir (something) up by or as if by fanning: 煽动用扇子或像扇子般煽动:fanned the flames in the fireplace; an otherwise quiet employee who fanned resentment among her colleagues.把火煽旺;一个看似沉默的职员出乎意料在她的同事间煽起仇恨的火焰To open (something) out into the shape of a fan: 展开成扇形展开:The bird fanned its colorful tail.鸟儿展开多彩的尾巴To fire (an automatic gun) in a continuous sweep by keeping one’s finger on the trigger. 扣扳机连续击发用手持续扣住扳机(自动手枪)进行连续扫射To fire (a nonautomatic gun) rapidly by chopping the hammer with the palm. 急速击发通过手掌迅速扳动撞针而开枪(非自动手枪)To winnow.扬谷 Baseball 【棒球】To strike out (a batter).使(击球手)退场fan v.intr.To spread out like a fan: 成扇形像扇子一样展开:The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.部队往北呈扇形散开 Baseball 【棒球】To strike out.三振出局Middle English中古英语fromOld English fann源自古英语 fannfromLatin vannus源自拉丁语 vannus*See Also : wet- In AppendixfanAHD:D.J.:K.K.: n. InformalAn ardent devotee; an enthusiast. 迷强烈的热爱者;狂热爱好者 fanatic的简写fann.扇子; 风扇; 鼓风机扇状物簸箕; 扬谷机; 风机; (风车的)定风翼; 螺旋桨; 螺旋桨叶片海底凸扇, 海底三角洲(运动中的)球迷, 影迷; 狂热者fan letter影星或体育健将等收到的崇拜者的信a folding fan折扇an electric fan电风扇fanvt.(fanned; fanning)扇; 扇动; 激起(用扇子)驱走; 簸(谷); 扬去(糠等)(微风)吹拂把…展成扇形连续急速扫射(棒球)将(打击手)三振出局fan the flies from the food从食物上赶走苍蝇The guard fan ned him for weapon.守卫员搜查他是否身带武器。fanvi.飘动; 拍翅成扇形展开(out)(棒球)(打击手)被三振出局A great many picnickers fanned out along the highways.很多野餐的人象展开扇子似地布满在公路上。fanbackadj.(椅子)有扇形靠背的fan-inn.【计】输入, 输入端数; 扇入fan-outn.【计】输出, 输出端; 扇出fan-roomn.通风机室fan-shapedadj.扇状的fanlikeadj.象扇的; 象风扇般转动的; 折迭的fanwiseadj., adv.展开成扇形flirt one’s fan一下子把扇子打开, 一下把扇子合起来; 灵巧地挥动扇子fan away扇去fan out【军】成扇形散开; (电缆心)分开abyssal fan【海】海底扇, 海底锥aerofoil fan轴流式通风机aft fan【航空】后风扇air ejector fan空气喷射器风扇, 抽气风扇, 排气风扇airfoil -vane fan【采矿】翼形叶片扇风机alluvial fan冲积扇anal fan臀扇axial flow fan轴流式风机. 轴流式风扇backward-bladed aerodynamic fan【机】后弯叶片风机blade fan叶片式风扇blast fan风扇, 鼓风机通风机blow-down fan通风风扇blower fan(离心式)鼓风机通风机, 风机, 风扇blowing fan吹风机booster fan(增压)辅助鼓风机bracket arm fan托架风扇ceiling fan吊扇centrifugal fan离心式鼓风机, 离心式风扇centrifugal gas washing fan离心涤气机circulating fan循环风扇, 回风扇, 循环(用)鼓风机, 环流风机circulating gas fan烟气再循环风机classifier fan分级机风扇, 风选器风扇compound alluvial fan【地质】复合冲积扇conveying fan气运风扇discharge fan抽风机排气风机disk fan圆盘风扇draft fan通气风扇, 引风机, 通风机draught fan通气风扇, 引风机, 通风机drawing fan抽风机, 吸气风扇ducted fan有导流罩的风机;【航空】内外函喷气发动机, 导管风扇dust-collecting fan除尘器, 吸尘器electric exhaust fan电(动) 排气扇exhaust fan排气风扇, 抽风机, 排风机forced draft fan压力通风风扇, 压力送风机, 强制通风风扇, 鼓风机forcing fan【采矿】压风机foundry fan铸造用鼓风机gas recirculating fan烟气再循环风机helical fan螺旋风扇, 螺旋式通风机induced-draft fan烟泵; 排烟机intake fan进气风扇kiln fan窑烘炉鼓风机lift fan升力风扇light fan光芒local fan局部通风机low-pressure fan通风机mill fan排粉机mine ventilating fan矿用通风风扇; 矿用通风机mixed -flow fan【采矿】混流式扇风机multibladed fan多叶通风机, 多叶风扇, 复叶扇multiple-stage centrifugal fan多级离心式鼓风机oscillating fan摆头电扇outwash fan【地质】冰水扇形地paddle-wheel fan叶轮式通风机离心式鼓风机plate fan钢板风扇plenum fan送气风扇pressure fan压力风机propeller fan螺旋浆式通风机; 轴流通风机pusher-type fan强压通风机, 压风机, 压力通风机radial fan径流式风扇radiator fan散热器风扇reversible axial flow fan可逆轴流式风扇rock fan【地质】石质扇形地rotary fan旋转扇sagittal fan弧矢光扇scavenger fan换气(风)扇screw fan螺旋扇风机, 轴流扇风机sea fan【动】海扇;【地质】海底扇single-stage axial fan单级轴流风扇spray fan喷雾风机staggered fan交错叶风扇starting fan鼓(风)风扇submarine fan【地质】海底扇suction ventilating fan吸气风箱superimposed fan【地质】迭置扇supply fan进气风扇tangential fan切向光扇tube-axial fan轴流式风扇turbo fan涡轮风扇发动机, 透平风扇vacuum fan真空扇vane-axial fan翼式轴流风扇vapo(u)r exhaust fan排风扇, 排油烟的风扇vent fan吸气器; 排气器ventilating fan通风机, 风扇vertical spindle type axial flow fan立轴式轴流扇风机video fan电视迷wind turbine fan风动风机fanadmirerarouseblowerdevoteefancierflarefollowerspreadstimulatestirwhipfann.扇子;风扇fanAHD:D.J.:K.K.: n.A device for creating a current of air or a breeze, especially:A machine using an electric motor to rotate thin, rigid vanes in order to move air, as for cooling.A collapsible, usually wedge-shaped device made of a light material such as silk, paper, or plastic.A machine for winnowing.Something resembling an open fan in shape:a peacock’s fan.fan v. fanned; fan.ning; fans;fan v.tr.To move or cause a current of (air) with or as if with a fan.To direct a current of air or a breeze upon, especially in order to cool:fan one’s face.To stir (something) up by or as if by fanning:fanned the flames in the fireplace; an otherwise quiet employee who fanned resentment among her colleagues.To open (something) out into the shape of a fan:The bird fanned its colorful tail.To fire (an automatic gun) in a continuous sweep by keeping one’s finger on the trigger.To fire (a nonautomatic gun) rapidly by chopping the hammer with the palm.To winnow. BaseballTo strike out (a batter).fan v.intr.To spread out like a fan:The troops fanned out in a northerly direction. BaseballTo strike out.Middle EnglishfromOld English fannfromLatin vannus*See Also : wet- In AppendixfanAHD:D.J.:K.K.: n. InformalAn ardent devotee; an enthusiast.Short for fanaticfan排风机fan风轮


dream fan梦幻迷词典结果:fann.扇子,风扇; 迷,粉丝; 扇形物; 扬谷机; vt.扇动; 吹拂,扬去; vi.成扇形; 第三人称单数:fans过去分词:fanned复数:fans现在进行时:fanning过去式:fanned易混淆单词:FanFAN以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But north korean fan support is more complex. 但是朝鲜队球迷支持球队的活动却要复杂得多。


fan box的意思是:风扇箱









alluvial fan[地理]冲积扇;冲击扇






3、the boxes指坐在包厢内的“观众”。
