

weight的搭配(lose one’s weight有这种用法吗)

admin admin 发表于2024-09-28 07:16:01 浏览2 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对weight的搭配都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于weight的搭配以及lose one’s weight有这种用法吗的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


lose one’s weight有这种用法吗

lose weight 体重减轻,瘦身,减肥 lose weight这是固定搭配一般没有lose one‘s weight 之说.有的话,也只是表达减轻某人的体重吧【数学之美】很高兴为你解答,不懂请追问!满意请采纳,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O~weight 英 n. 重量,体重; 重担,重任; 重要; 权,加重值,权重; vt. 加重于,使变重; 使负重,使负担或压迫; 使加权,附加加重值于; 量; 字重; 公斤; What is your height and weight?你的身高和体重是多少? 第三人称单数:weights 复数:weights 现在分词:weighting过去式:weighted 形近词: weighs wright height 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度知道相关单词:Weight 韦特


习惯用语 attach weight to sth. 重视 by weight 按重量计算 carry great 重视 dead weight (车、船、飞机的)静止重量, 结构重量; 沉重的负担 feel the weight of sb.’s hand 感到某人的压力 feel the weight of sth. 感到...的压力 gain 体重 give weight to 重视; 加强..., 为...提出强有力的证据 give short weight 克扣分量 have weight with(sb.) 对(某人)有影响 lay weight on sth. 强调; 认为...具有特殊意义 lift a weight off sb.’s mind 解除某人的心头负担 make weight (称物时)补足重量的添头 ; (为了使论点更加有力而提出的)补充说明 of great 势力的(指人) pull one’s (own) weight 尽自已的一份力量 put on weight 体重增加, 发胖 throw one’s weight about 滥用权势, 仗势欺人 throw one’s weight (into the balance) 投入自己的全部力量或影响 under weight 过轻; 重量不足(与over相反) under the weight of 在...重压下, 迫于... whip one’s weight in wild cats 非常凶狠而出色的战斗 worth its weight in gold 值同等重量的金子; 非常有价值***隐藏网址***

by weight为什么不加the

by weight就是固定搭配这样用,按重量计算的意思,在句中作副词用。例句:Bananas are usually sold by weight.香蕉通常按重量出售。希望回答对你有帮助。

(高中英语)Rice is usually sold by ____ weight in our

(高中英语)Rice is usually sold by ____ weight in our

D weight不可数,所以不能加a,an by weight指的是按照重量,中间不加the 类似in hospital是住院,而不是在医院

高中英语题the shopkeeper gave us short weight

short weight 1.重量不足,短斤缺两 2.缺量 这个是固定搭配。 light weight 1.车辆自重 2.空车重量 3. 轻量,轻质

高中英语题~Thus began our new lesson



such表示这样,后面接名词,经常以片语such as出现 so that 表示以至于,以便于

高中英语作文robots in our future

Future Robots. Considering the advances ing out in robotics every year, including robots that can change expressions using moveable ‘flesh,’ eyelids, eyes and lips, it is difficult to say whether the future will usher in a world made easier and more fortable by intelligent, autonomous robots, or one that will ultimately be destroyed by them. To get a basic idea of how advanced robots will be in the next few decades, one could look at how far videogames have e since 1973. Back then, the most exciting videogame was Pong, in which a white dot acting as a tennis ball moved back and forth across a black screen, manipulated by players who moved the “rackets” up and down by means of a joystick. Today, several games have the ability to figure out a human player’s strategy and so adjust its settings to work around it, like Starcraft and the Earth Trilogy, not to mention having graphics that have far, far surpassed the plain, white bars of Pong. Future Robots Even now, scientists have already developed the ponents for more advanced sociable future robots, such as emotional recognition and expression systems—vital if the goal is to make robots as human-like as possible. In the military, researchers are predicting that autonomous, bat-ready robots can be deployed in as early as 5 years. In research facilities, walking humanoid robots like ASIMO continue to be improved, while the creators of Osaka University’s Child-robot with Biomimetic Body, or “CB2,” say the child robot can now develop social skills by interacting and watching human facial expressions, albeit slowly. The four-foot, four-inch humanoid is designed to learn just like a human baby: In o years, the goal is for the kidbot to be speaking in basic sentences, matching the intelligence of a o-year-old human child. Given the exponential quality that technology is capable of, no one can say for sure if and when the line beeen human and robots will be blurred pletely. Rapid advancements in puter technology and over 50 years of research into AI programming has brought the reality of genuinely thinking machines closer. Already we have robotic platforms that mimic human thought, understand speech, play table tennis and beat human chess players. These are feats that just a few decades ago were deemed impossible and in future robots, they may bee much more. In a famous quote, American scientist and economist Herbert Simon said, “It is not my aim to surprise or shock you—but the simplest way I can summarize is to say that there are now in the world machines that can think, that can learn and that can create. Moreover, their ability to do these things is going to increase rapidly until—in a visible future—the range of problems they can handle will be coextensive with the range to which the human mind has been applied.” Certainly, the possibility of future robots even more intelligent than humans seems just as imminent. The premise of intelligent future robots rising up against their human masters has long been utilized by many writers and artists, ever since Karel Èapek first introduced the concept in his 1921 play, R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots). This is an outstanding fear of many, not helped by Hollywood depictions of evil cybs such as terminators and intelligent machines bent on destroying the human race. But in his play Èapek also suggests that robots are helpers made specifically to eliminate the drudgery in human lives: to perform tasks that are too dull or dangerous to do. The term ‘robot’ after all, was coined from the Czech word for ‘slave labor.’ Industrial, medical and household robots have certainly changed the way humans live. Factories, hospitals and homes have benefited enormously, and though far from the anthropomorphic laborers envisioned by Èapek, these robots do get their jobs done very efficiently—far better I daresay than their human counterparts can. They are less exciting than intelligent androids for sure, but these practical, efficient robots are the ‘bots I would like to see more of in the future. I would like robot panions that can assist the elderly and disabled, robots in hospitals even more advanced than the da Vinci Surgical System, educational robots that can revolutionize learning in schools, and most importantly, robots that are more affordable and readily available to everyone. If it is true that millions of robots will be employed throughout the world in the ing years, then the law of economics would certainly have to play its part. I am a big science fiction fan, and I have to admit the entire idea of a future where humans and robots coexist is exhilarating. Whether this future of robotics is headed towards harmony like the Jetsons or a more dark future as depicted in the Terminator movies, I can’t say. The military would have us think the latter true. For now though, I continue to be hopeful rather than fearful of Man’s future robotic achievements. -------------------- We can expect to see a dramatic increase in the pace of permanent job outsourcing to robots in this decade. A prime example of this is the Taiwanese pany Foxconn’s recent announcement that they plan to go from the 10,000 robots they currently employ to 300,000 next year and then 1,000,000 three years from now. The pany is the largest global manufacturer of puter ponents – with high-end makers like Apple, Sony and HP among it’s customers. The robots will takeover jobs involving assembly, welding and spraying. That’s a pretty exponential rate of growth and human replacement. One that will bee monplace over the next few years. ------------------------- The talker of the town

Atsuo Takanishi and his Ph.D. student Kotaro Fukui at Waseda University in Tokyo thought they had e up with a simple solution to a plex problem. Want a robot to speak like a human? Why not just build it like a human, vocal cords and all? Unfortunately, though, that´s where the solution´s simplicity ends. In order to simulate the flexibility and resonance of the biological structures, the group had to painstakingly re-create the entire human vocal system in this, the sixth version of the Waseda Talker. They modeled the human tongue, vocal cords, lips, teeth, soft palate and lungs out of plastics and rubbery polymers to mimic the real thing. The result is uncannily clear, natural speech-assuming you speak Japanese.

I think in the future there will be more and more robots in our daily life.Robots are very mon stuff in nowadays.People can see them in the factory; mall and even in the army.I am thinking about if we can own ourselves robot that will be awesome.First at all,we can save much time on unnessceary stuff,Such as washing clothes,doing dishes,clean the floor.Secondly,people no longer be longly when they are along.robots can talk with peiople,even play with people.If adaults have no enough time to be with their kids,They can pletely let robots take care and play with their children.The last thing worth to remind is,robots can make people safe.If there is breaking in,rubby take place.they can easily defance the illegal things happen.It will be very peaceful if we all have robots!

高中英语作文 A meal at our canteen

A meal at our canteen Our canteen is like every canteen at other school. This noon, I headed to the canteen as usual and had a terrible experenice. …… 正文部分自己随便写5句话吧。 …… With the development of living codition, people need delicious meals.However, it seems that the canteen at our school doesn’t meet this need.The unvarible menu,the badly cooked food and the upwarding expense make students at our school feel sick. 翻译: 我们的食堂很普通,今天中午我去食堂,发生了一些不愉快的事情。 …… …… 随着生活水平的提高,人们需要美味的菜肴。但是食堂不能满足学生这方面的需要。糟糕的食物让学生们反胃。 全部手打,希望对你有帮助。

高中英语 We students outnumbered our teachers.


高中英语选择 My father usually keeps a *** all notebook i

选D.are written

in which引导定从,是一个倒装句.其主语是the names and addresses of his friends. 故用被动语态.选D.

高中英语: Aording to scientists, our mental abilities begin to _____ from the age of 27

科学家说,我们的心智从27岁开始减退,从最高峰的22岁开始。(22岁智力最高峰后,27岁开始减退。) a。differ 与…不同 b.shrink 收缩 C.fall 下降 (树叶落下 leaves fall)d.decline (能力 权利等的)下降 衰退 关键在于这个“highest level” 最高峰 最高水平 ~由高至低的衰退

高中英语翻译I think it is our duty to work,but

我认为工作是我们的职责,而懒人浪费时间,他的生命对他自己或者他人都是没有作用的。懒于工作的人是那些准备好乞讨或者偷窃的人。每个人从小就该学一些有用的事来做。但是只学一门是不够的。应该努力工作,不要再浪费闲余时间了。“努力工作,尽情享乐”对年轻人和对年长的人都是一个不错的准则。要勤奋没有比早起的习惯更有帮助的了,而这,就像其他好习惯一样,大都是在青春期形成的。有句英语格言叫“时间一去不复返”。这意味着每个人都必须勤奋,必须充分利用时间。一个人必须在年轻时努力学习,这样他才可能成功并且对他的国家有所用。我从没听到过那些勤奋的人变为乞丐的,但是懒人却会。因此我说 勤奋是成功之母。 打字不易,望采纳哦~

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