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以下是源文件,我改了一些,剩下的自己改一下吧,呵呵咖啡历史-history coffee The history of coffee is as rich as the brew itself , dating back more than a thousand years. The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage. East African tribes would grind the coffee cherries together, mixing the results into a paste with animal fat. Rolled into little balls, the mixture was said to give warriors much-needed energy for battle. Later, around the year 1000 AD, Ethiopians concocted a type of wine from coffee berries, fermenting the dried beans in water. Coffee also grew naturally on the Arabian Peninsula, and it was there, during the 11th century that coffee was first developed into a hot drink.咖啡的历史象酿造品本身一样油腻,追溯到1,000多年前。 据说第一个咖啡植物来自非洲的红海的岸上。 最初,咖啡豆认为是一种食品但不作为饮料。 非洲东部部落将一同磨碎咖啡樱桃,把结果混合进面团用厚厚动物卷成小球,据说混合物是给战斗的武士,因为他们非常需要精力。 过后,在1000年左右,埃塞俄比亚人从咖啡浆果那里调制某种酒,发酵在水内的干煸豆。 咖啡也在阿拉伯半岛上自然增长, 并且它在那里,在第11 世纪期间咖啡被首先发展成为一杯热饮料。 The so-called stimulating properties of coffee were thought by many during these ancient times to give a sort of religious ecstasy, and the drink earned a very mystical sort of reputation, shrouded in secrecy and associated with priests and doctors. So, it is not surprising that two prominent legends emerged to explain the discovery of this magic bean. 咖啡所谓刺激的特性在古代期间已被很多誉为到类似宗教狂喜, 并且被誉为是一类非常神秘的名声,秘密覆盖并且同神父和医生交往。 因此,难怪两个突出的传奇出现解释这粒魔术豆的发现。According to one story, a goat-herder noticed that his herd became friskier than usual after consuming the red cherries of a wild coffee shrub. Curious, he tasted the fruit himself. He was delighted by its invigorating effects, and was even spotted by a group of nearby monks dancing with his goats. Soon the monks began to boil the bean themselves and use the liquid to stay awake during all-night ceremonies. The other story is about a Muslim dervish who was condemned by his enemies to wander in the desert and eventually die of starvation. In his delirium, the young man heard a voice instructing him to eat the fruit from a nearby coffee tree. Confused, the dervish tried to soften the beans in water, and when this failed, he simply drank the liquid. Interpreting his survival and energy as a sign of God, he returned to his people, spreading the faith and the recipe. 有一个故事,一个山羊牧人注意到在消耗一根狂热的咖啡灌木的红樱桃之后,他的牛群变得比通常欢跃。 他很好奇,于是他亲自品尝水果。 他通过它鼓舞的影响很高兴,并且甚至在僧侣带着他的山羊跳舞附近被一组认出。 不久那些僧侣开始煮豆本身并且使用液体在整夜典礼期间保持醒着。其它故事是关于被敌人谴责徘徊在沙漠并且最终死于饥饿的一名穆斯林苦修僧人。 在他的神智昏迷过程中,年轻人听到一种声音指示他从一棵附近咖啡树吃水果。 被把弄糊涂,苦修僧人努力在水里变软豆,并且当这失败时,他仅仅喝液体。 理解他的生存和精力为一个上帝的标志,他返回后,开始传播信任和烹饪法。常见咖啡品种英文介绍Decaf Coffee - Decaffeination is the process of removing most of the caffeine that naturally occurs in coffee.Specialty Coffee - Coffees that have been mixed with flavoring agents while in their roasted whole bean state. Iced Coffee - Regular coffee served cold with ice. Café Au Lait - Is a French coffee drink prepared by mixing coffee and steamed milk. It is similar to Italian latte, but with coffee instead of espresso. Espresso - Is a strong, flavorful coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. Espresso differs greatly from the common drip brewed coffee drink in its thick concentrated consistency, and robust flavor.《Double Espresso - Two shots of Espresso! 《br》《br》Triple Espresso - Three shots of Espresso! 《br》《br》Caffè Americano - Literally, American coffee. It may simply be brewed coffee in a coffee cup, or espresso diluted with an equal amount of hot water, and then served in a coffee cup. 《br》《br》Caffè Latte - One or more shots of espresso topped with steamed milk, then a 1/4-inch of foam (less than a cappuccino). A latte typically contains more milk than a cappuccino. 《br》《br》Caffè con Panna - Espresso topped with a dollop of whipped cream. 《br》《br》Cappuccino - Is an Italian beverage, prepared with espresso and milk. A cappuccino is defined as espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 frothed milk. A cappuccino differs from a latte, which is mostly milk and little foam. 《br》《br》Caffè Mocha - A coffee-chocolate drink that is prepared by adding chocolate syrup to a cappuccino or latte, and then topping it all with a great big dollup of whipped cream. 《br》《br》Caffè Macchiato - Espresso with a small amount of steamed milk foam on the top.《br》《br》White Chocolate Mocha - A Caffè Mocha with added white chocolate flavor.《br》《br》Vanilla Cappuccino - A Cappuccino with vanilla syrup.《br》《br》Caramel Cappuccino - A Cappuccino with caramel syrup. 《br》《br》Iced Latte - A Caffè Latte served cold with ice. 《br》《br》Iced Cappuccino - A Cappuccino served cold with ice. 《br》《br》Iced Caffè Mocha - A Caffè Mocha served cold with ice.《br》《br》Iced Macchiato - A Macchiato served cold with ice.《br》《br》Iced Double Espresso - A Double Espresso served cold with ice. 《br》《br》Iced White Chocolate Mocha - A White Chocolate Mocha served cold with ice.《br》《br》Iced Vanilla Cappuccino - A Vanilla Cappuccino served cold with ice.《br》《br》Iced Caramel Cappuccino - A Caramel Cappuccino served cold with ice.《br》《br》Cappuccino Frappe - Made in a blender, this icy cold version of a Cappaccino is perfect for the summer.《br》《br》Caffè Mocha Frappe - Made in a blender, this icy cold version of a Caffè Mocha is perfect for the summer.《br》《br》Vanilla Frappe - Made in a blender, this icy cold version of a Vanilla Cappaccino is perfect for the summer. 《br》《br》Caramel Frappe - Made in a blender, this icy cold version of a Caramel Cappaccino is perfect for the summer. 《br》《br》Quadruple Espresso - Can’t wakeup, 4 shots of espresso will do the trick! 《br》《br》6 Pack Espresso - When you absolutely, positively have to stay up all week, the 6 Pack Espresso is for you. Six shots of espresso pack quite a wallop! 《br》《br》Chocolate Milk - Steamed milk mixed with chocolate. 《br》《br》White Hot Chocolate - Steamed milk mixed with white chocolate.《br》《br》Tea - Hot herbal tea served with sugar, milk or honey.《br》《br》Iced Tea - Iced herbal tea served.《br》《br》Lemonade - Lemon, water and ice. Just like the kids make!《br》《br》《font color=red》《b》《P align=center》咖啡的风格术语《/P》《/b》《/font》 《br》《br》《P align=center》《img src=../uppic/2007426973899.jpg》《/P》 《br》《br》Flavor【风味】《br》是香气、酸度、与醇度的整体印象,可以用来形容对比咖啡的整体感觉。《br》《br》Acidity【酸度】《br》是所有生长在高原的咖啡所具有的酸辛、强烈的特质。此处所指的酸辛与苦味或发酸(sour)不同,也无关酸碱值,而是促使咖啡发挥提振心神、与涤清味觉等功能的一种清新、活泼的特质。《br》《br》Body【醇度】《br》是调理完成的咖啡饮用后的,在舌头对咖啡留有的口感。醇度的变化可分为清淡如水到淡薄、中等、高等、脂状,甚至某些印尼的咖啡如糖浆般浓稠。《br》《br》Aroma【气味】《br》Aroma是指调理完成后,咖啡所散发出来的气息与香味。Bouquet是比较不常用的字,专指研磨咖啡粉的味道。Aroma通常具有特异性,并且是综合性。用来形容气味(Aroma)的词包括:焦糖味、碳烤味、巧克力味、果香味、草味、麦芽味、浓郁、丰富、香辛等。《br》《br》Bitter【苦味】《br》苦是一种基本味觉,感觉区分布在舌根部分。深色烘焙法的苦味是刻意营造出来的,但最常见的苦味发生原因,是咖啡粉用量过多,而水太少。苦味并不是发酸(sour)的同意字。《br》《br》Bland【清淡】《br》生长在低地的咖啡,口感通常相当清淡、无味。咖啡粉份量不足、而水太多的咖啡,也会造成同样的清淡效果。《br》《br》Briny【咸味】《br》咖啡冲泡后,若是加热过度,将会产生一种含盐的味道。有部分咖啡店的咖啡属于这种味道。《br》《br》Earthy【泥土的芳香】《br》通常用来形容辛香而具有泥土气息的印尼咖啡。但这些所指的泥味并非指咖啡豆沾上泥土的味道。某些商业用咖啡会以廉价的咖啡混合,其中所含的泥味可能会变的脏脏的,这显然是因为将咖啡豆铺在地上进行干燥、粗操的加工技术所造成的。《br》《br》Exotic【独特性】《br》形容咖啡具有独树一格的芳香与特殊气息,如花卉、水果、香料般的甜美特质。东非与印尼所产的咖啡,通常具有这种特性。《br》《br》Mellow【芳醇】《br》是对低至中酸度、平衡性佳的咖啡所形容的形容词。《br》《br》Mild【温和】《br》表示某种咖啡具有调和、细致的风味。生长于高原的拉丁美洲高级咖啡,通常被形容为质地温和。此外、它也是一种咖啡界的术语,用来指所有除了巴西生产的高原咖啡。《br》《br》Soft【柔润】《br》形容如印尼咖啡般的低酸度咖啡;亦可以形容为芳醇或香甜。《br》《br》Sour【发酸】《br》一种感觉区主要位于舌头后侧的味觉,是浅色烘焙咖啡的特点。《br》《br》Spicy【香辛】《br》指一种令人联想到某种特定香料的风味或气味。某种印尼所产的高原咖啡(尤其是陈年咖啡),蕴含小豆蔻般香甜的气味。《br》《br》Strong【浓烈】《br》就技术上而言,形容的是各种味觉优缺点的多寡,或指特定的调理成品中,咖啡与水的相对比例。就通俗的用法而言,浓烈形容的是深色烘焙咖啡强烈的风味。此外,它也误导人们产生含有大量咖啡因的错觉。事实上,咖啡因含量高的是罐装的清淡咖啡,因为其中含有较多的低因咖啡。《br》《br》Sweet【香甜】《br》是一种普遍使用的形容词,本质上几乎像是水果味,与酒味也有关。生长于哥斯达黎加高原的咖啡通常具有辛烈的风味。《br》《br》Wild【狂野】《br》形容咖啡具有极端的口味特性。一般人若是无法接受的话,会称之为古怪,但也可能是吸引的特色,看个人喜好了。《br》《br》Winy【葡萄酒味】《br》形容一种令人联想到葡萄酒般的迷人风味。水果般的酸度与滑润的醇度,所营造出来的对比特殊风味。肯亚咖啡便是含有葡萄酒风味的最佳典范。


决定咖啡的特色─ 四味一香.... 咖啡所有的颜色、香气和味道,都是经过烘焙的手续,在咖啡生豆中发生些化学变化结果所形成的特色。 ◎苦味:== 咖啡因,咖啡基本味道要素之一. ◎酸味:== 丹宁酸,咖啡基本味道要素之二. ◎浓醇:== 咖啡浓厚.芳醇的味道. ◎甜味:== 当咖啡生豆内的糖分,经过烘焙手续部分焦化后,其余的部分就是甜味了. ◎香(咖啡香):== 咖啡生豆里的脂肪.蛋白质.糖类是香气的重要来源. 咖啡吸引人的魅力是.......... 咖啡吸引人的魅力到底是甚么?它那恰如其分的酸苦味,芬芳的香醇,加以咖啡因的魅力......。 酒精或烟草可以令人感到陶醉感与刺激,同样地咖啡因也可以令人感到兴奋。 咖啡因里,由于有刺激中枢神经或筋肉的作用,可使筋肉疲劳恢复,工作效率提升,具有清醒的效果能使头脑反应活泼灵敏。 还有由于刺激交感神经,可以抑住副交感神经的兴奋而引起的气喘。 其它咖啡也有帮助消化的效果,特别是食用过肉类时、胃液分泌多,促进消化,防止胃下垂。由于咖啡因可以分解脂肪,吃完热能高的食物后,西方人必定希望都喝杯咖啡。 骨质疏松并非妇女专有的病,但却大部份发生于妇女身上。造成骨质疏松的因素包括钙和蛋白质的摄取,抽烟,运动习惯,年龄和体重。为要确实洞察咖啡因的摄取和骨质疏松的关系,研究者必须小心的掌握每一个多变的因素。 1994年一篇Barrett Connor的研究发现,咖啡因的摄取会影响骨质密度的降低这仅发生在那些在其成人时期每天局限于一杯牛奶的妇女身上。根据这个研究,也依常理来判断,咖啡仅会间接造成钙平衡的不足 - 譬如,有些妇女以它来代替含钙丰富的饮料。 1995年Barger-Lux和Heaney 由190位妇女得到的分析数据所下的结论是: “一杯牛奶所提供的钙质足以抵消八杯含咖啡因所带来的负面效果…,“ 这强调了一个事实,咖啡因并非造成骨质疏松的高危险因素,钙质的摄取不足才是主要的原因,也使得那些次要因素,如咖啡因,发生了效应。 1981年哈佛大学一篇报告指出,大量饮用咖啡会导致胰脏癌。可是,之后至少有七项重要的研究都未能证实这一点,因此研究人员撤销了这个结论。另外有好几项研究,也都未能证明喝咖啡与乳癌有关系。波士顿大学的研究结果显示,大量喝咖啡似乎能降低肠癌或直肠癌的风险,每天至少喝5杯咖啡的人患结肠癌的机率,较不喝咖啡的人低百分之四十。(From New York Times ’September13, 95’) 咖啡中有消除蒜味效果,又含有珐琅类,所以在品尝蒜味料理后,咖啡是不可或缺的饮料。 1980年代一项研究的结果指出,长时间每天喝咖啡5杯或以上的男人,可能容易患心脏病。但最近的研究发现,女性每天喝咖啡5杯以下,患心脏病的危险不会提高;每天喝6杯以上的妇女,心脏病突发的风险似乎也没有增大 。 另外咖啡也有脱臭效果。使用研磨式咖啡冲泡过的残渣放于容器中使干燥,放入冰箱里,或鞋箱中可以当作脱臭剂。撒在烟灰缸也可消除烟草味。 而咖啡也可使用于隐藏味道。例如速溶咖啡用开水溶化,使其味道沾于肉上更可成为香甜可口的肉料理。 香喷喷的咖啡,是提神醒脑的饮品,而最新研究还发现,每天喝几杯咖啡可预防胆结石。 美国医学协会期刊报导,美国哈佛大学研究人员发现,每天喝两到三杯咖啡的男性,得到胆结石的机率比不喝咖啡的人低了四十%,而每天喝咖啡达四杯以上的话,得胆结石的机率更降为四十五%。不过,无咖啡因的咖啡可就没有这种效果了,只有含咖啡因的咖啡,才能刺激胆囊收缩,并减少胆汁内容易形成胆结石的胆固醇。至于咖啡作用的原因,目前还不清楚,而同样含有咖啡因的茶、可乐等其它饮料,由于咖啡因含量低于咖啡,因此无法达到同样效果。 领导研究的哈佛大学公卫学院莱兹曼博士表示:『我不会真的建议大家喝咖啡来预防胆结石,但继续喝也无妨,因为咖啡并不会导致什么重大疾病。』他表示这个研究发现应该也对女性有效。 胆结石主要由胆固醇形成,缺乏运动、油腻的饮食或体重过重是主要病因。 咖啡之中含有许多咖啡因会不会影响健康呢?或许有些人会如此顾虑。然而咖啡二至三杯的量,是没有问题的,反而适度的畅饮咖啡对身体具有疗效。正确地了解咖啡,让大伙都能快乐地畅饮且享受一下咖啡 时间


  咖啡树是生长于热带高地的小灌木,其果实呈红色或黄色,内部的果籽即我们所称的咖啡豆。目前全球约有66个国家种植咖啡豆,而其中又可分类为Arabica、Robusta、Liberica三种,Arabica即为目前最大宗的主要咖啡豆品种,产量约占80%其香味、品质均较为优秀。而Robusta因品质较差,所以多用来制成速溶咖啡。Liberica因为品质,产量少,很少被提及。咖啡特有香味,令人难以抗拒;独特的风味更是人人爱喝;现在就将主要的咖啡豆作一简略的介绍:  【蓝山咖啡(BLUEMOUNTAIN)】  是生产于牙买加蓝山海拔2500尺以上的咖啡豆,是一种微酸、柔顺、带甘、风味细腻的咖啡;纯蓝山咖啡口感、香味较淡,但喝起来却非常香醇精致;具有贵族的品味,乃咖啡中之极品。  【摩卡咖啡(MOCHA)】  目前以也门所生产的咖啡为最佳,其次为依索比亚的摩卡;摩卡咖啡带润滑中之中酸至强酸、甘性特佳、风味独特,含有巧克力的味道;具有贵妇人的气质,是极具特色的一种纯品咖啡。  【哥伦比亚咖啡(COLOMBIA)】  哥伦比亚咖啡中以SUPREMO最具特色,其咖啡柔软香醇;带微酸至中酸,其品质及香味稳定,属中度咖啡,是用以调配综合咖啡的上品。  【曼特宁咖啡(MANDELING)】  是生产于印度尼西亚,苏门答腊中最具代表性的咖啡;风味香、浓、苦,口味相当强,但柔顺不带酸,是印度尼西亚生产的咖啡中品质最好的一种咖啡。  【碳烧咖啡(CHARCALFIRE)】  是一种重度烘焙的咖啡,味道焦、苦不带酸,咖啡豆有出油的现象,极适合用于蒸气加压咖啡。  【巴西咖啡(SANTOS)】  巴西乃世界第一的咖啡生产国,所产之咖啡,香味温和、微酸、微苦,为中性咖啡之代表,是调配温和咖啡不可或缺的品种。  【肯亚咖啡(KENYAAA)】  是非洲高地栽培的代表性咖啡。AA代表其级数也就是最高级品,其咖啡豆肉质厚呈圆形,味浓质佳,通常采用浅焙。清晨起来喝一杯肯亚,具有醒脑的效用。  【夏威夷咖啡(KONAFANCY)】  属于夏威夷西部火山所栽培的咖啡,也是美国唯一生产的咖啡品种,口感较强,香味浓,带强酸,风味特殊。品质相当稳定,是前往夏威夷的观光客必购土产之一。  The history of coffee is as rich as the brew itself, dating back more than a thousand years. The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage. East African tribes would grind the coffee cherries together, mixing the results into a paste with animal fat. Rolled into little balls, the mixture was said to give warriors much-needed energy for battle. Later, around the year 1000 AD, Ethiopians concocted a type of wine from coffee berries, fermenting the dried beans in water. Coffee also grew naturally on the Arabian Peninsula, and it was there, during the 11th century that coffee was first developed into a hot drink.  The so-called stimulating properties of coffee were thought by many during these ancient times to give a sort of religious ecstasy, and the drink earned a very mystical sort of reputation, shrouded in secrecy and associated with priests and doctors. So, it is not surprising that two prominent legends emerged to explain the discovery of this magic bean.  According to one story, a goat-herder noticed that his herd became friskier than usual after consuming the red cherries of a wild coffee shrub. Curious, he tasted the fruit himself. He was delighted by its invigorating effects, and was even spotted by a group of nearby monks dancing with his goats. Soon the monks began to boil the bean themselves and use the liquid to stay awake during all-night ceremonies. The other story is about a Muslim dervish who was  condemned by his enemies to wander in the desert and eventually die of starvation. In his delirium, the young man heard a voice instructing him to eat the fruit from a nearby coffee tree. Confused, the dervish tried to soften the beans in water, and when this failed, he simply drank the liquid. Interpreting his survival and energy as a sign of God, he returned to his people, spreading the faith and the recipe.  The cultivation of coffee began sometime in the fifteenth century, and for many centuries to follow, the Yemen province of Arabia was the world’s primary source of coffee. The demand for coffee in the Near East was very high. The beans leaving the Yemeni port of Mocha for trade with Alexandria and Constantinople were highly guarded. In fact, no fertile plants were allowed to leave the country. Despite the restrictions, Muslim pilgrims from across the globe during their pilgrimages to Mecca managed to smuggle coffee plants back to their homelands, and coffee crops soon took root in India.  Coffee also made its way into Europe around this time through the city of Venice, where fleets traded perfumes, teas, dyes and fabrics with Arabic merchants along the Spice Route. The beverage eventually gained popularity with the masses when street lemonade vendors began selling it in addition to cold beverages. Many European merchants grew accustomed to drinking coffee overseas and brought it back with them.  By the middle of the 17th century the Dutch dominated the world’s merchant shipping industry, and they introduced large-scale coffee cultivation to their colonies in Indonesia on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Bali. Coffee arrived in Latin America several decades later, when the French brought a cutting of a coffee plant to Martinique. But when a rare plant disease spread through the coffee fields of Southeast Asia in the mid 19th century, Brazil emerged as the world’s foremost coffee producer, an honor the country still holds today.