


admin admin 发表于2023-08-08 06:51:54 浏览34 评论0




Good morning everybody!I’m on duty today.Today is Monday(for example).It’s March 6, 2009.It’s very fine today.I’m on duty today,and everyone is here.English is a very important course,So we should make an effort to study it.And I believe that where there is a will ,there is a way.


1.I have a problem.I can’t remember the new words.我有一个问题,我不能记住新单词。2.I can ’t pronounce some of the words.我不能读出一些单词。3.I can ’t understand spoken English.我不了解英语口语。4.I always make mistakes in grammar.我通常在语法上犯错。5.I read very slowly.我读的很慢。6.I don’t know how to speak English well.我不知道怎么讲好英语?7.You should read English aloud.你应该大声读英语。8.Listening can help.倾听能提供帮助。9.Why don’ t you join an English language club to practice speaking.你为什么不加入英语语言俱乐部去练习你的发音呢?10.Would you mind remembering new words by flashcards.你介意通过闪动的卡片来记单词吗?11.Please try to talk with your friends in English as much as possible.请试着和你的朋友尽可能多地用英语谈话。祝你快乐:)