
considered as

considered as(Be recognized as与be considered as 区别)

admin admin 发表于2023-08-09 03:36:42 浏览44 评论0



Be recognized as与be considered as 区别

前者可以理解为“被认知”,即客观的认识后者可以理解为“被认为”,即主观的判断例:He is recognized as leader of the team.他作为领袖被XXX认知(客观事实)He is considered as leader of the team.XXX认为他是队伍的领袖(主观判断,可能不是)


  可以。  consider一词在历年高考中是一个常考的要点,其用法应分为两部分来讲。  第一、 作“考虑、思考”时的搭配如下:  1. consider + n./pron.,例如:  Have you considered the suggestion?  That’s what we have to consider now.  2. consider + v-ing,但不能接不定式的一般式,例如:  We considered going to see the doctor the next day.  Have you considered moving to shanghai recently?  You must consider to tell him something about it. ( 错误)  3. consider + 疑问词 + 不定式,例如:  He is considering how to improve his English.  We must consider what to do next.  4. consider + 从句,例如:  We didn’t consider whether he should go or not.  Have you considered when we should go there?  第二、 作“认为、把……当作/看作”等意思时的搭配如下:  1. consider + sb/sth + (to be/as) + n./adj.,例如:  I consider him to (be/as) my best friend.  2. consider + sb./sth. + 不定式短语(作宾语补足语),不能接不定式的一般式,例如:  We consider them to be working very hard.  We consider them to have finished the work.  We consider him to be the clever in our class.  We must consider him to go there at once. (错误)  3. consider + it + adj./n. + 不定式短语,其中it 为形式宾语,不定式短语为真正的宾语,例如:  Jiao Yulu considered it his duty to serve the people heart and soul.  They consider it necessary to set the slaves free.  4. Consider + sb/sth 介词短语作宾语补足语,例如:  She always considered herself in the right  We considered his suggestion of great importance.  5. consider + 宾语从句,例如:  We considered that the film was worth seeing for another time.  I don’t consider that he has a final say in this matter.  另外,(1)consider的名词形式为consideration,常用于下列的结构:  1.He showed much consideration for his wife.  2.He didn’t take part in the meeting in consideration of his job.  3.You can’t answer my question without consideration.

consider as 和consider to be 的区别

consider含有客观的思考和推理之意.从表层意思看,后面跟as 或to be 似乎差不多,都表示“把作为…来考虑…”或“认为...是…”,但是在深层意义上讲,二者之间还是存在一定的细微区别.as 表示某人/某物“就是”,to be 表示某人/某物“可能是”.如: We always consider these people as our true comrades. 我们一向把这些人看成真正的同志.(=We always consider that these people are really our true comrades.) I considered him to be a rascal. 我认为他是个流氓 (= I considered that he is likely to be a rascal.) 除此之外,二者在用法上也有不同之处.as 后只能跟名词,跟形容词其实是as ...as 的省略,而to be 后既可以跟名词也可以跟形容词,如: People consider foxes as clever but sly animals. 人们认为狐狸是既聪明又狡猾的动物.【不宜于用consider foxes to be clever but sly animals,因为人们认为狐狸确实是这样】She is considered (to be) an intelligent woman. 她被认为是一个聪明的女人.【也可以用considered as an intelligent woman 但意思略有不同】We consider it (to be ) true.我们认为这是真实的.【不能用consider it as true】I consider what he said (as) reasonable. 我认为他说的有道理.【= I consider what he said (as) reasonable (as it is). 】

be considered as,be considered to be 是一样的吗

不一样,be considered to be通常接形容词,be considered as通常接名词,例如: He is considered as a good boy=He is considered to be good.

be considered as怎么翻译

可以的~! 虽然be considered as是被认为的意思,一般来说是表示主管观点的. 但是,从楼主的举例来看,那些是定义型的句子.就这样译好. 科技翻译我们总不能老是说“被认为XX”的,显得不怎么科学.

be considered as这里的as是什么词性,和后面的adj构成什么成分

be considered as的意思是被认为是 、被看作;被看做例句:I’m not sure if it would be considered as a disaster area though.我不确定这边会被算是灾区。本句中的as后面接形容词,可以把as理解为副词,副词后面跟形容词。

be considered 和be considered as有什么区别用法分别是什么

be considered 和be considered as的区别是: 意思有不同, 后者是前者的其中一种延伸用法。

1、be considered

意思: 被认为;被考虑


1) It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion. 


2) The agreement will be considered null and void. 


3) Every aspect should be considered. 


4) A United Nations spokeswoman in New York said the request would beconsidered. 


5) Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leaveand punished accordingly. 


2、be considered as

意思: 被认为是;被看作是


1) Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man. 


2) Strictly speaking, this can not be considered as a real city. 


3) To me, luck could be considered as the most important factor in life.


4) The very first thing that should be considered as the possible cause ofthe problem is JIT. 


regard as ,recognised as ,considered as区别

作为 “……被视为/被看作……“的语义上讲,总体上3个表达一样。1. We think of Deng Xiaoping as a great leader.Deng Xiaoping is thought of as a great leader (by us). as 不可省略。2. We see Deng as a great leader.Deng is seen as a great leader (by us). as 不可省略。3. We consider Deng (to be/ as) a great leader.Deng is considered (to be/ as) a great leader (by us)相对而言,3的用法多样些,灵活些。类似还有:regard...as.../ view...as.../ treat...as.../ look on ...as...,etc.体现了语言的丰富多样性,就词义而言,可以随便用,相互替换。就像说一个姑娘:美丽的?漂亮的?亮丽的?迷人的?有魅力?性感的?可爱的?秀色可餐的?妩媚的?你说有多大区别?

划线部分,considered的后面为什么不加as,短语不是be considered as吗

Consider 这个单词基本用法是及物动词,查柯林斯词典:

  1. If you consider a person or thing to be something, you have the opinion that this is what they are.

  2. If you consider something, you think about it carefully.

  3. If you are considering doing something, you intend to do it, but have not yet made a final decision whether to do it.

所以consider 后面根本就不需要介词。而且 be considered as 本来就是不正确的用法,只有中国才会这么教。外国人是多用 be considered to be 。比如:Adam is considered to be a good teacher. 从来没有哪个外国人会说:Adam is considered as a good teacher.


be consider as 是主观认为,后面接的往往是带有感情色彩的名词短语。 主被动形式都有。 例句: By this means he came to beconsidered as a very trusty protector of his master’sproperty. 通过这种方式,他开始被认为是主人忠实的财产守护者。 refer to as 把……称作; 被称为,后面接的往往是抽象、概述性名词,感情色彩淡些 ,多用主动结构。例句: This stretching of capacity is what most people refer to as stress. 这种伸展的能力就是大多数人称为的压力。