


admin admin 发表于2024-02-06 06:31:53 浏览34 评论0







  对于30的英文读音,是怎么写的怎么读的你们知道吗?下面是我给大家整理的30的英文怎么读,供大家参阅!   30的英文怎么读   thirty   英   美   n. 三十; 三十个; 三十年代; 三十的记号;   adj. 三十的,三十个的;   num. 三十; 三十个;   变形 复数: thirties   30的 英语 短语   We have suffered 30 years of humiliation and torture.   我们已经遭受了30年的羞辱和折磨。   It should tell your company story and ideals in less than 30 seconds: who your company is, whatyou do, what you stand for, and why you do it.   它必须在少于30秒内表明你的公司始末和理想:你的公司是什么人,你做什么,你代表什么,和你为什么运营它。   "I heard them negotiate, and then my parents gave me away for $30 a month to these people,"she says.   她说:“我听到他们谈判,然后我的父母将我以每个月30美元的价钱卖给了这两个人。”   This is a situation where you have to think about where you want to be a year from now to knowwhat you need to do during the next 30 or 90 days.   眼下的状况是这样的:你得考虑在接下来的30或90天当中需要做些什么,才能让你在从现在开始的一年后变成你想要的样子。   If you have verification points, summary information for those tests will be shown here, as well asin Figure 30.   如果您有验证点,那么在此将显示出那些测试的摘要信息,以及图30中的内容。   But I have worked in public health for 30 years. I have no illusions.   但是我已经在公共卫生领域工作了30年,我不抱有幻想。   Every donor gives an average of about US$ 30.   每一个捐献者平均贡献30美金左右。   We suggest you stretch by touching your toes for at least 30 seconds before you make theattempt.   我们建议你在做尝试前通过触摸你的脚趾至少30秒钟来伸展你的身体。   She invited 30 ministers from all over the world for a conference on agriculture and climatechange.   她邀请了世界各地的30名部长参与一个关于农业和气候变化的会议。   Under these conditions the trees live only 30 years or less.   在这些条件下可可树只能存活30年甚至更少。   That means when a man reaches his 30, he should know how to do with his life.   就是说,一个人一旦踏进了30大关,他就应该知道他的人生目标是什么。   30的英语例句   I shall go $30 for the dictionary.   我愿出30美元买这部词典。   The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees.   这口井几乎偏了30度角。   The old picture carried her back 30 years to her wedding day.   这张老照片使她回想起30年前结婚那天的情景。   I had planned for 30 guests, but only 10 arrived.   我做好招待30个人的准备,可是只来了10位。   By default I have 30 seconds to do something with the message.   默认情况下我有30秒的时间对消息做一些事情。   But how realistic is it to try and break any habit in 30 days?   但是在30天内尝试改掉任何一种习惯,可行性到底有多少?   You can either watch these pearls play the music by themselves, or you have the option ofcontrolling them and adding your own layers to the song (tune in around the 30 second mark to see this).   你既可以看到这些珍珠随着音乐滚动,也可以自己控制他们,在音乐里加入你的旋律(收听到30秒左右就会看到)。   And with this visit we can lay the foundation for the next 30 years.   胡锦涛同志此次访问能够让我们为未来30年奠定基础。   What was China like 30 years ago?   30年前的中国是个什么样子?   But you can see as I go up to 30 I get a pretty big number.   但是你可以明白我将参数,提高到30的话0,我就会得到一个很大的值。   We have a strong team and I can learn a lot from them despite being 30.   我们有强大的队伍,尽管已经30了,我还能从队友那学到很多。   In the morning, we received yet another round of alarming employment figures – the worst in more than 30 years.   昨日的早晨,我们收到了新一轮令人震惊的就业数据---30多年来最糟糕的数据。   In the other scenario, she took 30 pieces.   而在另外一个场景中,她拿了30块。   In the other scenario, she took 30 pieces.   而在另外一个场景中,她拿了30块。    看过30的英文怎么读的人还看了: 1. 1到30的英文单词怎么读 2. 30的英文单词怎么读 3. 1到30的英文怎么读 4. 1到30的英文单词怎么读 5. 30的英文怎么读 6. 20的英文怎么读


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