
assessment of learning

assessment of learning(读书笔记26:What is learning)

admin admin 发表于2024-02-24 05:34:04 浏览28 评论0


大家好,关于assessment of learning很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于读书笔记26:What is learning的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!


读书笔记26:What is learning

比对着辜老师公众号(人生GU事)文章中提出的问题继续读LOA。 1. 你是否赞同杜威的教育观“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.” (John Dewey 1897) 为什么?或请用杜威的教育观来审视与自己的教育观与教育实践,有何异同? 答:我赞同杜威的这一教育观的前两个分句。对于最后一个分句,我更倾向于将其改成:“education is not only preparation for life but also is life itself.” 无论是从”剑桥的人生胜任力框架“(Cambridge Life Competencies Framework)的角度,还是从”知识改变命运“的角度,我们都不能否认学生通过读书以更好地适应生活这一现实需求。我认为一方面如杜威所说,教育和受教育本身是一种生活方式,另一方面教育也的确是为了更好地生活,更充分地发掘自身潜力做准备。 2. 请抄写或打印一遍本章的详细目录,包括每节中的sub-heading。请谈谈你在梳理过程中是否有新理解和新发现。 答:我梳理的标题附在下方,本次梳理我的收获有三。 一是自己尝试思考了这一问题,“什么是学习”。埋头学习了这么久,似乎之前从来没有想过这个问题。我粗浅的理解是,学习是一个选择性获取知识和运用知识的过程。 二是通过梳理,我对作者的思路可以有更清晰的把握,并从作者的思考角度得到一些启发。对于“什么是学习”这个问题,首先作者以3.1提供了其理论基础,即建构主义学习观(constructivism),并指出了社会建构主义学习观和认知建构主义学习观并不矛盾,两者都隶属于情境认知理论(situated cognition), 只是侧重点有所不同。3.2中作者认为LOA的核心——社会建构主义学习模型——是最适合语言学习的模型。3.3中作者详细阐述了任务型教学交互,从章节划分来看,这一部分也是本章的重点,围绕“任务”,作者介绍了任务的定义,帮助学习者完成任务的相应支持(了解学习者已有知识、明确标准、搭好脚手架、制定目标),对任务完成情况的反馈,学习的两个方面(迁移能力、深度学习与浅度学习)、成效(这里的emergence这个词我不确定我的理解是否正确),3.4中作者概述了任务中的师生各自的角色,学生要能够养成有效的自评和他评的反思习惯,并具备强烈的学习动机。教师要认真审视自己在课堂学习中的角色,应充分认识到学生才是课堂的中心,学习的责任主要在于学生,教师要主动地将“学习的责任”分担给学生。此外,教师在评价中,尤其是形成性评价中也要发挥积极的作用。总的来讲,Chapter3按照【建构主义-认知-学习-任务-师生的角色-小结】这一思路环环相扣,其中建构主义-认知-学习给了我理论上的启发,任务-师生的角色这两个部分,我认为非常具有实践指导意义。 三是进一步熟悉了学术论文目录的构成格式。除章标题大写了实词首字母外,其它各级标题都只大写了首字母,且标题均为名词和名词性短语(定语)。 3 What is Learning 3.1 Constructivism 3.1.1 Constructivism and situated cognition 3.2 An appropriate model of cognition and learning 3.3 Task-based interaction 3.3.1 Tasks 3.3.2 Supporting learners’ performance on tasks Prior knowledge Explicit criteria Scaffolding Goals 3.3.3 Feedback on task performance 3.3.4 Aspects of learning Transfer Deep and shallow learning 3.3.5 Emergence 3.4 Roles of teachers and learners 3.4.1 The learner Self- and peer-assessment Motivation 3.4.2 The teacher The teacher’s role in learning The teacher’s role in assessment The teacher’s role in summative assessment 3.5 Summary

写一篇self-assessment on study为题目的英语作文80字 好的能再追加分

Self-assessment- personal characters and self-ambitionLearning enthusiasm and positive attitude of absorbing knowledge are my personal advantages. Obtaining various theories will feel self-satisfaction and fruitful. Don’t restrict within one single schooling method and always trying to extend my best within ability brings me a self-breakthrough, I thought, although it might be too rigid. Be responsible not only for things but for self-challenges is my belief.这给你参考, 自己再加个几句吧, 80个字就差不多了~

以《how to become a successful learner》为题,写一篇英文作文,不

《how to become a successful learner》为题,写一篇英文作文:

Objective evaluation of their learning content and learning ability is one of the most important characteristics to improve themselves and become excellent learners.

Whether it will or not is in this self-assessment.

If you can easily answer all your knowledge, on the one hand, you will have the most direct assessment of your mastery of learning content.

On the other hand, it also gives their writing a new chapter structure, and the output content meets the excellent level of their grade.

If you can do this, you are not far from excellent learners.



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