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  虽然服装店也有衣服,但是她果然还是喜欢穿自己设计的衣服。下面我为大家带来设计的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   设计的英语意思   design   设计的相关英语例句   1. Many of the clothes e from the world’s top fashion houses.   这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。   2. Since its inception the pany has produced 53 different aircraft designs.   该公司自成立以来已经完成了53种不同样式飞行器的设计。   3. The questions were set up to make her look dumb.   问题这么设计,就是为了让她出丑。   4. A rather neat option allows you to design your own fiendish puzzle.   只要干净利落地做一个选择,你就能自己设计出难以解开的谜题。   5. His water-colour designs adorn a wide range of books.   他的水彩设计使许多图书大为生色。   6. Ricardo Bofill, the Catalan architect, has designed the revamped airport.   里卡多·博菲利是一名加泰罗尼亚的建筑师,这座整修过的机场就是他设计的。   7. She asked her son, a graphic designer, to create letterheads and stationery.   她请做平面设计师的儿子设计了信头和信笺。   8. The pany uses the simulator to market test new designs.   这家公司使用模拟装置对新设计进行市场测试。   9. This design knocks everything else into a cocked hat.   这一设计令其他作品相形见绌。   10. Tony also built his own house from his own plans.   托尼还自己设计并盖好了房子。   11. Most mobile robots are still in the design stage.   大多数移动机器人仍处在设计阶段。   12. The aims of the redesign are wide-ranging but simple.   重新设计的目的是多方面的,但又是简单的。   13. His research was used in planning treatments for hyperactive children.   他的研究被用来为多动的儿童设计治疗方案。   14. His design was infinitely better than anything I could have done.   他的设计比我所能设计出的不知要好上多少倍。   15. He claimed that he had been framed by the police.   他声称自己被警察设计陷害了。   设计的英文例句   1. 她的设计十分新颖。   Her designs have great originality.   2. 她是工业设计师。   She is an industrial designer.   3. 她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。   She was dressed by a leading New York designer.   4. 新电视在设计上是有缺点的。   The new TV is faulty in design.   5. 建立了自顶向下的设计模式与导航设计机制,实现了模具设计过程的资料管理。   Data of decor mold design can be managed effectively.   6. 体验性旅游专案设计包括纵向深度设计和横向整合设计。   Experience tour item design is the core and sprit of tour site planning.   7. 本结构设计是以建筑设计图为基础进行设计的。   The structural design is based on architectural design of the map.   8. 这里的版式设计成功地向人们展示了平面设计这一专业所独有的表达语言,是其它视觉设计所不能代替的。   This logo is a great example for the expressive language of graphic design.   9. 模糊可靠性设计是机械设计领域中一种较为先进的设计方法。   The fuzzy reliability design is a more advanced method in the mechanical design.   设计的双语例句   奥迪R8创新的外观设计再一次撼动目光,细微之处无不彰显出浓烈的赛道之美。   The innovative appearance design of Audi R8 attracts great attention again, with highlighted beauty of racing tracks in every detail.   他对设计的每一细节都加以挑剔。   He chicaned every detail of the design.   这幢大楼是按那位建筑师的设计建造的。   The building was constructed from the design of that architect.   在他的设计中,悬臂梁伸出太多,不能平衡。   In his design the beam cantilevers out too far for balance.   我们应该怎么设计它?   How should we design it?   我喜欢他的这些新房子的设计。   I like his design for the new houses.      他们自己来设计和制造。   They design and build it themselves.   你是如何设计你的生活的?   How do you design your life?   在你设计你的系统时,考虑到它将如何被测试。   As you design your system, consider how it should be tested.   如果你为你的自我而设计,那么你就没有客人,“他说。   If you design something for your ego, then you havenoguests, " he says.   没有人知道怎样设计软体才能做到有主观意识。   No one yet knows how to design the software for that.   然而,您提出的任何设计都必须支援您的功能,必须在本质上与功能联络起来。   However, any design you e up with should support your functions, and in fact be intrinsicallytied to it.   看过设计的英语相关知识人还:


  “  model是什么意思英语”这句话中的“  model”可能是一个笔误,应该是“model”。Model在英语中有多重含义,根据上下文不同可能表示“模型”、“模式”、“模特”等不同意思。如果这个词出现在科技领域,很可能是指“模型”,例如机器学习中的模型。如果出现在时尚领域,可能指的是“模特”,例如“runway model”。如果出现在软件工程中,可能表示“模式”,例如设计模式。需要根据上下文判断具体含义。  500字的优美段落需要注意语言的流畅度和文笔的优美程度。不妨从model这个词的多重含义入手,探讨这个词在不同领域中的不同含义和应用。例如,可以简单介绍机器学习中的模型是什么,常见的模型有哪些,以及它们在数据分析和预测中的应用;再比如可以介绍设计模式中的模式是什么,常见的模式有哪些,以及它们在软件工程中的应用。  总之,需要从多个角度入手,以简练明了的语言描述出model这个词在不同领域中的含义和应用,同时注意语言的流畅度和文笔的优美程度。


Design mode is 1 set drive extensive usage of, pass by to categorize catalogue of the code design to empirically tally up.Usage design mode is for the sake of exaltation code of heavy use sex and can expand sex.This text aims at the need of design mode applied and heavy Gou in the existing software engineering and design and develop 1 to flow according to the static state analytical the mode behavior of the Java program design analysis machine, carry out following function:(1)The code convert:Use the JavaML converts the code as XML document format;(2)The information withdraw:From the XML document kind withdraw a behavior analysis need of information;(this part be provide by the laboratory)(3)The chart show:Reorganize an information, mean for the second format of diagram define.We pass diagram to describe behavior of design the mode and then identify from the code it.In the diagram, it is a little bit each to represent a role, but the side mean that the adjust of role use with quote from.Method with change to measure can be a role.The end result that the behavior analysis machine return is keep with the form of the matrix in the text the origin, so easy to behavior analysis the exploitation of the data. 设计模式是一套被广泛使用的、经过分类编目的代码设计经验的总结。Design mode is 1 set drive extensive usage of, pass by to categorize catalogue of the code design to empirically tally up.使用设计模式是为了提高代码的可重用性和可扩展性。Usage design mode is for the sake of exaltation code of heavy use sex and can expand sex.本文针对现有软件工程中设计模式应用与重构的需求,设计并开发一个基于静态流分析的Java程序设计模式行为分析器,实现以下功能:This text aims at the need of design mode applied and heavy Gou in the existing software engineering and design and develop 1 to flow according to the static state analytical the mode behavior of the Java program design analysis machine, carry out following function:(1)代码转换:The code convert:使用JavaML将代码转化为XML文件格式;Use the JavaML converts the code as XML document format;(2)信息提取:The information withdraw:从XML文件种提取出行为分析所需要的信息(这部分由实验室提供);From the XML document kind withdraw a behavior analysis need of information;(this part be provide by the laboratory)(3)图表示:The chart show:将信息重组,表示为第二点所定义的图的格式。Reorganize an information, mean for the second format of diagram define.我们通过图来描述设计模式的行为,进而将其从代码中识别。We pass diagram to describe behavior of design the mode and then identify from the code it.在图中,每个点代表一个角色,而边表示角色间的调用与引用。In the diagram, it is a little bit each to represent a role, but the side mean that the adjust of role use with quote from.方法和变量都可以作为一个角色。Method with change to measure can be a role.行为分析器返回的最终结果以矩阵的形式保存在文本中,这样便于行为分析数据的利用。The end result that the behavior analysis machine return is keep with the form of the matrix in the text the origin, so easy to behavior analysis the exploitation of the data.
