
reactor technology 文章翻译

reactor technology 文章翻译(把这篇文章的中文译成英文)

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I will be performing a magic show to watch everyone. Now, let me draw a card Teacher, (Lang Teacher, please draw a card, but do not give me this look, you can look to the U.S.), and then put these licenses Lane. Well, now you can shuffle. Well, I can find out from the reactor licensing in抽得you have just goes. Is this it? Ha, have interest in it? Be happy to show everyone, thank you以作参考


反应器洗涤釜钐坦克戊烷储气罐离心机( WT500 ) 干燥系统纯水系统废水系统空气压缩系统锅炉系统每股收益加权体制


Annotation: One living thing (usually is mouse), changes over to theexternal gene its in vivo to become its gene group a part. Theintroduction gene is first separated and the design causes it to carrythe suitable fragment. Then pours into as follows the fertilized egg,the method this section of gene: Causes it to female mouse injectionhormone to produce the massive eggs; Let a male mouse if thecopulation cause the partial egg fertilization; Collects these eggs,pours into the external gene matter in front of its cleavage. Theseeggs are transplanted into another female in vivo, grows in there themtakes shape. The gene matter becomes the mouse cell in certain eggs inat will the position spot and the chromosome conformity the geneticmaterial. The animal grows which by this hatchery egg will carry thisgene thus to become transfers the gene animal. Transfers the geneanimal regarding to describe the recent discovery gene function and toproduce the beneficial protein in big animal in vivo to be extremelyuseful Transfers the gene animal is refers to the experimentaltechnique to induct the extraneous source gene, in 染色体组 in thestable conformity and can inherit gives the descendant a kind ofanimal. In 1981, first successfully inducted the extraneous sourcegene the animal embryo, established has transferred the gene animaltechnology. In 1982 obtained transfers the gene mouse. Changes over tothe big mouse’s growth hormone gene, causes the mouse body weight fornormal individual two times, thus is called "the super mouse".Hereafter cultivated one after another successfully has transferredthe gene rabbit, the sheep, the pig, the fish, the insect, the cow,the chicken, the goat, the big mouse and so on transfers the geneanimal. Because transferred the gene animal system to break the nature toreproduce the inter-species isolation, enabled the gene in to plant isbetween the relational very far organism flows, it will have theoverall situation influence to the entire life science. Therefore,transferred the gene animal technology after 1991 in the firstinternational gene localization conference by the recognition is thegenetics relaying chain-like analysis, the somatic cell heredity andthe gene clone fourth generation of technology, is listed as in thebiology history in 126 years the 14th turning point. Has transferred the gene mouse since 1982 to be published, transfersthe gene animal research all to obtain the amazing achievement in manydomains. Generally says, according to the different goal, transfersthe gene animal operation to be allowed simply the division to be fourkind of types: (l) the disease transfers the gene animal; (2) usestransfers the gene animal drugs manufacture; (3) animal improvement;(4) foundation biology research. Transfers the gene animal to have the broad application prospect inmany domains: 1st, transfers the gene animal is to the many kinds of biologicalphenomena essence thorough understanding tool, like research genestructure and function relations, cell nucleus and cytoplasmreciprocity, embryonic development regulation as well as tumor and soon; 2nd, may use for to establish the many kinds of diseases the animalmodel, then studies these diseases the pathogenesis and the method oftreatment; 3rd, because transfers the gene animal technology to be allowed totransform animal’s gene group, causes the domestic animal,domesticated fowl’s economical character improvement to be moreeffective, like makes the growth speed to speed up, the lean meat rateenhancement, the pulp improvement, the feed use factor enhances,resistance to disease enhancement and so on. Is profounder regardingthe animal heredity resources conservation significance, to saves isin imminent danger the species is essential; 4th, transfers the gene animal to be possible to take medical or theedible protein biological reactor.

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